I can't post pictures of the whole project under orders of my niece lol.
It is a gift for a friend of hers who is opening a shop.....will tell more when I am allowed.
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Coming soon
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Somethings gotta change
Lol just realised how bad that sounds...let me explain. When I separated from my husband a few years back I had to move back in with my parents which was challenging for all parties concerned lol.
As it turned out my parents actually needed some help (my dad is 80 & my mums 76), so I help them out with day to day stuff & it has worked out ok.
My only issue is that I have NO space of my own other than my bedroom, which makes crafting very difficult. Getting back to my dilemma.... I am thinking I could move my wardrobe out to the vacant space on the landing, sell my lovely oak side board (the only thing I took with me from my previous life), & move my craft stuff upstairs. It would be a tight squeeze but I might, just might be able to fit in some sort of desk & chair plus my ikea units around my double bed.
Would it be madness? Probably but I have to do something. I cannot be doing with my mothers nagging & moaning (not that I really blame her it is a pain in the arse), it makes me feel like a teenager again, but not in a good way. I am going to measure up tomorrow & see if it can be done. Here's hoping!
Saturday, 23 February 2013
OH NO!!!
I have altered layouts & stuff on this blog & do not know how to put it back the way it was lol. I need help! Why I messed around with it I do not know. I think I am going to have to pay some one to design my blog as I just have NO CLUE!
I feel a right idiot, I suppose I will just have to live with it now as the more I click on random stuff the worse it gets! Oops.
I just can't help myself, I am sure I have some sort of compulsion to push buttons & click on stuff that I know I shouldn't, very annoying. What to do now?
Just a peak...
This is a peak at something I was working on before my elbow situation. It is far from finished but I thought I would show you anyway.
It's only one letter from the word, still lots to do. Can't wait to get going on it again.
I hate being unable to craft, it drives me insane. I am glued to my laptop (stalking blogs & You Tube) & my kindle now instead.
I have read 4 books in 4 days. Am going cross eyed lol.
Fingers crossed my elbow drama will be over soon!
Friday, 22 February 2013
It's been a while.
Although I have loads of projects on the go I am unable to finish them due to a trapped nerve in my elbow which is stopping me from crafting.
I also have a chest & sinus infection (which is gross). I am always ill lol, my imune system is knackered. They shoot horses don't they?
I am gutted as I was really enjoying myself. Hey ho, such is life.
Anyway I thought I would share a couple of pages from an unfinished art journal I started quite a while ago, then forgot about.
I would like to get back into it as it's freeing, if that makes sense?
I do look back & chuckle at the horrendousness (did I just make that word up?) of alot of the pages: but hey it's mine right.
Everything is a learning curve & I am still learning.
I think I will post a couple of pages a week until I can start crafting again & show some new stuff.
Now try to laugh too much & feel free to leave honest comments....& tips would be great!
Friday, 8 February 2013
What a mess!
Can you tell what it is yet?
I am going out tomorrow for a Birthday lunch with Nic, so am going to have to clean up all this chaos before I go!
This is when I wish I had a studio or just my own space to craft in instead of the dining table.
Any way...I don't know whether you can see what I am making at the mo, but I will post pictures when I am done.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Getting a bit miffed now.
I am getting fed up with how much craft stuff costs.
I want to try out new media's & be more creative & experimental but I just can't afford it.
But, I can moan about it!
There are 101 punches, dies, stamps, embellishments, tools, inks, paints, papers, & alterable stuff that I need (want) to enable me to create on a new level.
I see fabulous inspiration from other crafters on blogs & Youtube, & think "I want to have a go at that"; but when I cost up what I need I feel deflated as I know it aint ever happening!
Since giving up smoking I have bought lots of great stuff, but there is always more; always something I don't have but need in order to make what my imagination see's.
Craft stores in my local area are s***, for want of a better word.
I look on line, & have found a couple of good stores but even they don't have everything I want, then I have to pay postage as I can't afford to spend the "free postage" amount.
Am getting tired of trawling through Ebay looking for bargains & then getting out bid because some moron bids over the odds ( slighty bitter there I think lol).
I'd love to start entering competitions to win some crafting goodies ( stop laughing....you never know), but I don't know how to link a picture from my blog to another (again....stop laughing; I can't help being an ejit!)
Should I stop moaning now? There is soo much more I could say. Like why are decent paper trimmers soo expensive? (& as you have probably guessed I don't own one of those either).
I could go on & on but that would be extremely boring. Cathartic for me though!
Rant over....for now! I think I just have to face the sad truth that my crafting abilities (being the beginner that I am), have to go hand in hand with my budget.
What a bummer!
Friday, 1 February 2013
Let them eat CAKE!
Just noticed that in the picture it looks a bit wonky like its leaning lol. It isn't I don't think I put the lid on properly before I photographed it as a whole. Oops.
I am seriously thinking of adding the mini pocket watch & I am going to be adding something else to the top. I will add a new photo to this post when I have finished it completely, including the mini album.
Insomnia' s a B****!
My patience is wearing thin...especially on public transport! Zero tolerance for stinky people on the peasant carriage this morning!
Come on people....please start bathing....a bit of soap & some water...not too much to ask!
I am sat ( would say patiently but that would be a massive lie) waiting for my crackle glaze to dry on some butterflies.
I have backed away from the hot glue gun, as last night I took the skin off my fingers!
Whilst waiting I have checked out a few blogs....LMAO off at The Gentleman crafter's (justifiable) rant at the lack of bronze eyelets/brads available in quantities above 6 in local craft stores.
He does make me laugh sometimes. Very talented artist. Loads of inspiration to be found on his blog & You tube.
Am bored of prepping stuff for projects now. I aren't start on something new at this time....I know what I'm like, I would still be sat here at 8am getting annoyed that I have to back away & sort my mum out.
Time to pack up, go to bed & read a book. Hopefully I will get a few hours sleep & get rid of the bags I am carrying under my eyes....looks like Ive packed for an around the world trip!
Until next time...catch you later special Llama's xx