
Tuesday, 29 October 2013

A sneak peak

Whilst waiting patiently (not), for glue to dry on other projects I decided to start on something new.
Once again I planned nothing & ended up with something that is ok...but could be better. It is simple & will look better once framed....I hope lol.
I have to start planning my creations better, I have lots of dies, punches, embellishments, inks, stamps & other crafty goodies that I should be using. I rush into making things spur of the moment & then think about what I could've/should've used on it when it's finished. I keep doing it though.

Will add full pictures when its finished.

Monday, 28 October 2013

A little Christmas spirit

Inbetween other projects I made this vintage Christmas wreath.
It was really quick to make & turned out quite nice.
Am going to make a few more in various colours & sizes....maybe  add alot more sparkle.
I need to start making my Christmas way behind.
Unlike last year I am in the mood for some festive crafting.

You never know, I might actually remember to share what I make on here lol. I am a terrible blogger.
I have made lots of things that I have negleted to photograph & share on here before giving them away & some of them were quite good lol. is late & I need to get some sleep. So until next time....catch ya later special Llama's.x

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Today I am working on a few commissions, unfortunately I am unable to share any pictures as they are Christmas prezzies.
Over the next few weeks I will be making some Christmas paper wreaths which I am looking forward to.I promise to have pictures as soon as I can one completed.

I was going to make a wreath for halloween but I got distracted with other things & forgot to order the halloween papers in time. Will have to wait til next year now.

Having neglected my blog for months I am going to take an hr later & check out what everyone else has been up to on thier blogs.
Looking forward to seeing lots of crafty inspiration.

Until next.....catch ya later special Llamas!

Friday, 4 October 2013

Hot glue = pain!

Whilst trying to deal with the boiler breakdown, & patiently waiting for my crafty supplies to arrive; I have kept myself amused by making fabric flowers.
I wasn't planning on using them yet but got so fed up tonight that I got creative & started a little project.
Once again though, instead of thinking ahead & planning out my placings & embellishments I just threw myself into sticking things down & rushing through it.
So much so that I forgot to add layers that I had cut & distressed.
Hey ho, will just have to make another one so I can use them.
Am sharing a little glimpse, as I have yet to finish it....not that I have a ton of other projects thats are waiting to be finished & shared lol.
This is one of those projects that could have turned out soo much better. I never learn though, I still craft in chaos.
I need to wash off all the paint & glue & get to bed, it is nearly 1 am & need my beauty sleep.
Until next time....catch ya later special Llama's