
Monday, 29 September 2014

Insomnia is wrecking me!

I just can't sleep!.......
In the last 3 weeks I would say I have slept a total of 26hrs. I am running on auto pilot. The lack of beauty sleep is really starting to take its toll. I will need to employ a porter soon to carry my under eye bags around all day.
It is now nearly 2am....I have to be up at 6.
I am wide awake.
My eyes are swollen, bloodshot & dry as a bone.
Moaning about it helps though.

Crafting was hard work today. I have alot to get done this week. Lots of orders & prepping for the Vintage fayre I am doing next Sunday.
I don't have alot of spare time this week....tomorrow ( or rather today) I am looking after Nics son, Tues shopping & taking my mum out, Weds delivering orders & catching up on the washing & housework etc...
If my insomnia lasts the week I can craft through to the early hours (with the aid of eye drops).

Anyway enough of me rambling on.....The picture I am sharing tonight is of some girly makes...letters, cards canvases etc.
Will share more soon.
Until then.....catch ya later special Llamas

Thursday, 25 September 2014

A little fairy magic

I keep forgetting to update this blog! I am such a bad blogger....
Insomnia has been my companion over the last few weeks so my head has well & truly been in the shed. I have been on auto pilot getting through my days, & crafting or reading through the night.

Tonight I am sharing some new fairy doors I have been making.....the only reason these came about is due to the lack of sleep....I was fed up with doing the letters & other bits ready for the craft fayres & wanted to do something different. For my first attempt am quite pleased.
They are a bit quirky....I like the distressed look of them & prefer them this way.
I cut them out myself ( at 2 in the morning!), using a handsaw.
By 8am they were all finished! (I made 5 in total).
I've put these 3 up on facebook to see if anyone wants them....the others I will give away as Christmas gifts.
If there is enough demand I will make more....I've also made up some little fairy dust bottles to go with them.

It is now 1am & I am sat finishing off a whole load of letters ready for the weekend. I actually feel like I could sleep tonight so am off to wash the paint & glue off & head on up to bed.
I just thought I had better get something on here as it's been a while.
So until next time.....catch ya later Special Llama's.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Happy Mail!!!!!!!!!

Look what goodies the postman delivered today! Lots of Inkylicious stamps!
Love thier stamps. Great quality & they have a large selection of quotes & sentiments to choose from.
Looking forward to getting crafty with these.

I haven't had any crafty time over the past week which has killed me.
Our washing machine has been knacked for the past 10 days which has thrown this house into chaos. The panasonic engineer couldn't get to us last week due to the nato road closures.....(so he said),  so I have had to rely on family & the bagwash to get the washing done. Time consuming & alot of hassle.

Hopefully I can squeeze in a little creative happiness over the next few days.
We are back at Roath Craft Market on Saturday.....looking forward to it.
If you live in Cardiff pop over to our facebook page (tab at top) to see our craft fayre offer.....
Until next time catch ya later Special Llama's.